Production technology for solid-state batteries
We are pleased to announce that the Dr. Fritsch Group, as part of a research project funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, is working together with the Fraunhofer IPA on the development of process technology for solid-state batteries. Dr. Fritsch GmbH & Co. KG will provide and modify the ceramic starting powders, while Dr. Fritsch Sondermaschinen GmbH will contribute its know-how in powder handling and FAST/SPS sintering technology.
FAST/SPS: The First Choice for Sputtering Target Fabrication
How FAST/SPS technology enables target manufacturer to meet customer requirements by improving target properties and allow a better positioning for the future.
Reason and use of the transformer-tappings for FAST/SPS-sintering in conjunction with the right mould design
With the FAST/SPS heating concept, the workpiece and the mould are heated directly by the resistance heating principle. The generated heat is directly dependent on the energy transformed in the electric circuit. The secondary voltage of the transformer can be adjusted by choosing the right tapping on the primary side, while the mould design has a direct impact on the resistance in the circuit. If these 2 factors are optimised, process time and process energy can be saved. Read on.
FAST DIRECT Hot - Fritsch
A unique fast-heating sintering process developed by German sinteringpionieer Dr. Fritsch is employed in an increasing number of industries. To date, almost 1,000 sinter presses have been installed worldwode, and new applications are added constantly.